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Title: Development and Mechanical Characterization of Eugenol–Cetalkonium Chloride Sustained Release Mucoadhesive Oral Film
Authors: Zulfakar, Mohd Hanif
Goh, Jing Yi
Rehman, Khurram
Keywords: development
oral film
Issue Date: 23-Apr-2015
Publisher: Wiley online library
Citation: Zulfakar, M.H., Goh, J.Y. and Rehman, K. (2016), Development and mechanical characterization of eugenol–cetalkonium chloride sustained release mucoadhesive oral film. Polym. Compos., 37: 3200-3209.
Series/Report no.: Polym. Compos., 37: 3200-3209.;
Abstract: The aim of this study was to develop and characterize sustained release mucoadhesive films containing euge nol and cetalkonium chloride (HEC) for oral applications. A solvent casting method was used with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose as a film-forming polymer. Physical and mechanical characterization, mucoadhesion, content uniformity, dissolution, and drug permeation were stud ied on blank film (HB), film containing eugenol (HE), film containing cetalkonium chloride (HC), and films contain ing eugenol and cetalkonium chloride (HEC) of different casting weight. The tensile strength, viscosity, and pH of HEC films were found to be significantly lower than those of HB films. HEC films with 30 g of casting weight were thicker than HEC films with 25 g of casting weight and drugs were less uniformly distributed in them. It was observed that 30 g casting weight was preferred for film preparation because of higher drug flux and more sustainable drug availability after a period of dissolu tion. POLYM. COMPOS., 00:000–000, 2015. VC 2015 Society of Plastics Engineers
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1212
Appears in Collections:Pharmacy Department

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