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Title: Halogen-Imparted Reactivity in Lithium Carbenoid Mediated Homologations of Imine Surrogates: Direct Assembly of bis-Trifluoromethyl-b-Diketiminates and the Dual Role of LiCH2I
Authors: Ielo, Laura
Castoldi, Laura
Touqeer, Saad
Lombino, Jessica
Roller, Alexander
Prandi, Cristina
Holzer, Wolfgang
Pace, Vittorio
Keywords: halogen
Issue Date: 31-Jul-2020
Publisher: Wiley online library
Citation: L. Ielo, L. Castoldi, S. Touqeer, J. Lombino, A. Roller, C. Prandi, W. Holzer, V. Pace, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 20852.
Series/Report no.: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 20852.;
Abstract: The selective formal insertion (homologation) of a carbon unit bridging the two trifluoroacetamidoyl chlorides (TFAICs) units is reported. The tactic is levered on a highly chemoselective homologation–metalation–acyl nucleophilic substitution sequence which precisely enables to assemble novel trifluoromethylated b-diketiminates within a single syn thetic operation. Unlike previous homologations conducted with LiCH2Cl furnishing aziridines, herein we exploit the unique capability of iodomethyllithium to act contemporane ously as a C1 source (homologating effect) and metalating agent. The mechanistic rationale grounded on experimental evidences supports the hypothesized proposal and, the struc tural analysis gathers key aspects of this class of valuable ligands in catalysis
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1285
Appears in Collections:Pharmacy Department

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