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Title: Enhanced solubility and biopharmaceutical performance of atorvastatin and metformin via electrospun polyvinylpyrrolidone-hyaluronic acid composite nanoparticles
Authors: Iqbal, Rabia
Qureshi, Omer Salman
Yousaf, Abid Mehmood
Raza, Syed Atif
Sarwar, Hafiz Shoaib
Shahnaz, Gul
Saleem, Uzma
Sohail, Muhammad Farhan
Keywords: Nanoparticles
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publisher: ELSEVIER
Citation: Rabia Iqbal, Omer Salman Qureshi, Abid Mehmood Yousaf, Syed Atif Raza, Hafiz Shoaib Sarwar, Gul Shahnaz, Uzma Saleem, Muhammad Farhan Sohail, Enhanced solubility and biopharmaceutical performance of atorvastatin and metformin via electrospun polyvinylpyrrolidone-hyaluronic acid composite nanoparticles, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 161, 2021, 105817, ISSN 0928-0987, (
Series/Report no.: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 161, 2021, 105817, ISSN 0928-0987,;
Abstract: The study was aimed to improve the aqueous solubility of atorvastatin (AT) and ameliorate permeability of metformin (MT) in a combination formulation, improving their oral bioavailability. Several AT-MT loaded polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and hyaluronic acid (HA) based nanoparticles were prepared through electrospraying method (ES-NPs), and tested for physicochemical, in vitro, and in vivo parameters. Among the trialed formulations, a sample consisting of AT, MT, PVP, and HA at the weight ratio of 1/6.25/3.75/15 furnished the most satisfying solubility and release rate results. It enhanced approximately 10.3-fold and 3.6-fold solubility of AT as compared with AT powder and marketed product (Lipilow) in phosphate buffer pH = 6.8, respectively. Whereas, permeation of MT was 1.60-fold and 1.47-fold improved as compared with MT powder and marketed product (Glucophage), respectively. As compared with Lipilow, AUC (0-∞) and Cmax of AT with ES-NPs in rats were improved to 3.6-fold and 3.2-fold, respectively. Similarly, as compared with Glucophage, AUC (0-∞) and Cmax of MT were improved to 2.3-fold and 1.8-fold, respectively. Thus, ES-NPs significantly enhanced the solubility of AT (a BCS class II drug) and permeability of MT (a BCS class III drug) and might be a promising drug delivery system for co-delivery of these drugs.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1365
Appears in Collections:Pharmacy Department

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