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Title: Evaluation of the Effect of Atenolol Induced Depression in Cardiac Output on Its Own Excretion through Urine Analysis
Authors: Khan, Safeer
Mahmood, Wajahat
Keywords: Cardiac Output; Atenolol; Urine Analysis; Excretion; Half-life.
Issue Date: Jun-2017
Publisher: Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2019), 18 (1): 523-530
Abstract: The role of Pharmacist in making the therapeutic decisions for safe and effective therapy is increasing all over the world. However, there are many aspects of drugs in making these decisions that are less commonly studied such as the correlation of cardiac output with pharmacokinetics of drugs. The cardiac output, besides the other factors, is also affected by drugs like atenolol. Therefore, the objective of the present open labeled study was to know the effect of reduced cardiac output induced by atenolol on its own excretion parameters. After taking the informed consent, five healthy volunteers were selected for the study. Atenolol tablet at a dose of 50 mg, 75 mg and 100 mg for three consecutive days were given to all the volunteers. The echocardiography and renal function clinical tests were conducted prior and 5 h after dosing and the urine samples were collected at 5 and 10 h post dosing. The prepared samples were analyzed for atenolol by High-Performance Liquid chromatography. For comparison of atenolol excretion for three days, One-way repeated measure Analysis of Variance statistical test was used as Wilks’ Lambda = 0.2, F (2, 3) = 5.986, p < 0.1, multivariate partial squared = 0.8. These results showed that atenolol affects its own pharmacokinetics by prolonging its excretion half-life.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1525
Appears in Collections:Pharmacy Department

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