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Authors: Qadir Khan, Altaf
Majeed, Saima
Keywords: Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Anger, Substance Related addictive disorders.
Issue Date: 15-Nov-2017
Abstract: To investigate anger, depression, anxiety and stress in patients with substance related addictive disorders. Cross sectional research design. From four hospitals of the Lahore, Pakistan including Lahore General Hospital, Jinnah Hospital, Punjab Institute of Mental Health, and Services Hospital data collection was carried out during the period of 10 month Eighty male patients with substance-related addictive disorders from four hospitals were drawn with the help of nonprobability purposive sampling technique. Measures for data collection were demographic questionnaire, Clinical Anger Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. Anger and stress were at severe level whereas depression and anxiety were at moderate level was found in patients with substance related addictive disorders. Correlation analysis (Pearson product moment) was computed for the relationship among anger, depression, anxiety and stress. Results indicated that there is positive association among all the above mentioned variables in present patient population. Psychological outcomes of addiction in the form of anger, depression, anxiety, and stress are alarming. For drug addiction treatment these factors should also be address for relapse prevention.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1588
Appears in Collections:Psychology Department

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