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Title: Logical Projection Vectors Method To Label Connected Components In Binary Images For Simple Real-Time Applications
Keywords: Binary images, Connected components, Labeling, Real-time, Robotics.
Issue Date: Jan-2006
Citation: Chaudhry, Muhammad & Iqbal, Javaid & MALIK, AKHTAR. (2006). Logical Projection Vectors Method To Label Connected Components In Binary Images For Simple Real-Time Applications.
Abstract: This paper proposes a new method to efficiently label connected components in binary images. There exist many methods for this but they all are complex enough to prohibit implementation for simple real time applications such as robotics. The proposed method is very simple in terms of implementation complexity and extremely fast, at the cost of a small fraction of accuracy. This approach is best suited for simple real-time robotic applications.
Appears in Collections:Computer Science Department

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