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dc.contributor.authorRozina, Ch-
dc.contributor.authorMaroosh, A-
dc.contributor.authorPoedts, S-
dc.contributor.authorShah, H. A.-
dc.identifier.citationRozina, Ch, et al. "The impact of quantized magnetic pressure on the stimulated Brillouin scattering of electromagnetic waves." Physica Scripta 98.10 (2023): 105601.en_US
dc.description.abstractWithin the frame work of Landau quantization theory of Fermi gas, we formulate here the exotic physics of magnetic stimulated Brillouin scattering instability (MSBS) arising due to the nonlinear interaction of high frequency electromagnetic waves(EMWs)with degenerate, strongly magnetized electron-ion plasma. Quantum magneto hydrodynamic model (QMHD)is followed to develop the basic differential equations of quantized magnetosonic waves(QMWs)in the presence of super strong magnetic (SSH) field, whereas Maxwell equations are used to derive the governing differential equation of pump EMWs. The nonlinear interaction of EMWs and QMWs is addressed by employing the phasor matching technique. The obtained dispersion relation of MSBS shows that for a fixed density of fermions, the SSH field alone suppresses the MSBS instability as a function of quantized magneto ion velocity (CHe) and the Alfven speed (VA) via three-wave decay and modulational instabilities. However, for particular condition the MSBS instability is found to increase as a function of SSH field. Next, the analytical results are verified numerically and graphically for soft x-rays in the environment of neutron star. The present MSBS analysis may be critical in neutron stars, radio pulsars and magnetars having super strong magnetic field i.e. even larger than the quantum threshold value i.e, H ∼ 4.4 × 1013G, or in any application where the enhancement or suppression of SBS may be important.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipOne of the authors(Ch. Rozina) is grateful to Prof. S Poedts for providing hospitality at KULeuven-Belgium, and for partial assistance via the project No. SIDC Data Exploitation (ESA Prodex-12). She also acknowledges the financial support from Pakistan Science Foundation through the project No. PSF/Res/P-LCWU/.Phys(214)ven_US
dc.publisherPhysica Scriptaen_US
dc.subjectquantum plasma, super strong magnetic field, astrophysical plasma, brillouin scattering instabilityen_US
dc.titleThe impact of quantized magnetic pressure on the stimulated Brillouin scattering of electromagnetic wavesen_US
Appears in Collections:Physics Department

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