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Title: Preparation, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Copper(II) and Zinc(II) Complexes with Cephalexin
Authors: Saeed Iqbal, Mohammad
Issue Date: Jul-2005
Citation: Iqbal, Mohammad & Bukhari, Iftikhar & Arif, Muhammad. (2005). Preparation, characterization and biological evaluation of copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes with Schiff bases derived from amoxicillin and cephalexin. Applied Organometallic Chemistry. 19. 864 - 869. 10.1002/aoc.918.
Abstract: Copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of cephalexin have been prepared and characterized by microanalysis and by thermogravimetric, magnetic and spectroscopic analysis. The complexes were found to be ®ve-coordinate, monohydrate, and ML2 type. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectral lines revealed rhombic distortion from axial symmetry, with gk>g? >ge, in the elongated-tetragonal copper(II) complex. The geometry of the zinc(II) complex seems to be square-pyramidal. On complexation with copper and zinc the antimicrobial activity of cephalexin improved signi®cantly. The copper complex was found to be active against kaolin paw oedema whereas the parent drug was inactive. These results suggest that the metallic elements should be seriously considered during drug design, and that complexes already reported should be subjected to clinical evaluation. Their use could provide an easy way of improving the activity and reducing the toxicity of drug substances.
Appears in Collections:Chemistry Department

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