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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 598
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-05-12Distribution analysis of profilin isoforms at transcript resolution with mRNA-seq and secondary structure in various organs of Rattus norvegicusTariq, Naila; Basharat, Zarrin; Butt, Saba; Baig, Deeba Noreen
2016-09-08Prediction of post translation modifications at the contact site between Anaplasma phagocytophilum and human host during autophagosome induction using a bioinformatic approachBasharat, Zarrin; Qazi, Sarah Rizwan; Yasmin, Azra; Ali, Syed Aoun; Baig, Deeba Noreen
2009-09-26Characterization of a Phenazine and Hexanoyl Homoserine Lactone Producing Pseudomonas aurantiaca Strain PB-St2, Isolated from Sugarcane StemMehnaz, Samina; Baig, Deeba Noreen; Jamil, Farrukh; Weselowski, Brian; Lazarovits, George
2010-07-12cry Genes profiling and the toxicity of isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis from soil samples against American bollworm, Helicoverpa armigeraBaig, Deeba Noreen; Bukhari, D.A.; Shakoori, A.R.
2010-09-13Genetic and Phenotypic Diversity of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Isolated from Sugarcane Plants Growing in PakistanMehnaz, Samina; Baig, Deeba Noreen; Lazarovits, George
2016-06-01Digital dissection of arsenate reductase enzyme from an arsenic hyperccumulating fern Pteris vittataBasharat, Zarrin; Baig, Deeba Noreen; Yasmin, Azra
2018-01-04Profilin (pfn) isoforms transcriptional and bioinformatic exploration and Mus musculus brain tissues developmentFateena, Ammarah; Alia, Syed Aoun; Baig, Deeba Noreen; Basharatb, Zarrin
2020-01-22DNA repair protein RAD51 enhances the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in efficiency in brain neuronsKurihara, Taiga; Suzuki, Emi Kouyama; Satoga, Michiru; Li, Xue; Badawi, Moataz; Baig, Deeba Noreen; Yanagawa, Toru; Uemura, Takeshi; Mori, Takuma; Tabuchi, Katsuhiko
2022-03Mast Cells Released Inflammatory Markers Play a Vital Role in Mandibular Remodeling of Odontogenic Keratocyst PatientsMalik, Zulaikha; Mirza, Armaghan Israr; Akram, Muhammad Adnan; Arshad, Adnan; Kiyani, Amber
2021-03-26Comparative Study of the Rhizosphere and Root Endosphere Microbiomes of Cholistan Desert PlantsMukhtar, Salma; Mehnaz, Samina; Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2021-04-12An Overview of Dairy MicrofloraNoreen Baig, Deeba; Mehnaz, Samina
2021-04-22Editorial: Salt Tolerant Rhizobacteria: For Better Productivity and Remediation of Saline SoilsMehnaz, Samina; Arora, Naveen Kumar; Egamberdieva, Dilfuza; Li, Wen-Jun; Mishra, Isha
2020-10-09Effect of Azospirillum zeae and Seed Priming with Zinc, Manganese and Auxin on Growth and Yield Parameters of Wheat, under Dryland FarmingMehnaz, Samina; Karimi, Nasrin; Goltapeh, Ebrahim Mohammadi; Amini, Jahanshir; Zarea, Mohammad Javad
2021-09-26Whole genome analysis of Gluconacetobacter azotocaptans DS1 and its beneficial effects on plant growthMehnaz, Samina; Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.; Mukhtar, Salma; Farooq, Muhammad; Baig, Deeba Noreen; Amin, Imran; Lazarovits, George; Yuan, Ze-Chun
2021-05-03Prevalence of fungi in fresh tomatoes and their control by chitosan and sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) peel essential oil coatingMehnaz, Samina; Sheikh, Mehrunisa; Sadiq, Muhammad Bilal
1999rapid multiplex PCR for the specific detection of two whitefly-transmitted geminivirus species associated with cotton leaf curl disease in pakistanMansoor, S; Bashir, Dr. Aftab; Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.; KHan, S. H; Hussain, M; Saeed, M; Zafar, y; Markham, P. G
1994Establishment of cell suspension lines of indica rice.Zafar ;, Yusuf; Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.; Wajid, A. ;
1991Large scale composting of kallar grass Leptochloa fusca (L.) kunthMahmood, T.;; Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.; Azam, F.;
1995Isolation and characterization of indigenous Rhizobium leguminosarum Bv, Viceae, nodulating Lens culinaris Medic, from four Pakistani soilsShah, NA; Hafeez, FY; Asad, S; Hussain, A; Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1992Establishment of regenerating calli and cell suspension line of basmati rice ( oryza sativa L. CV. B.370)zafar, Y; Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.; wajid, A; Gamborg, Oluf I
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 598