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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 598
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Identification of differentially expressed genes in developing cotton fibers (Gossypium hirsutum L) through Differential Display.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2008Pisum Sativum-Rhizobium InteractionsMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2007Potential role of rhizobacteria isolated from North-western China for enhancing wheat and oat yield.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2007Plant root associated bacteria for zinc. mobilization in rice.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2006In vitro investigations to explore the toxicity of fungicides for Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2006Response of wheat yield under combine use of Fungicide and Biofertilizer.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2007Inoculation of chickpea with Rhizobium isolates from roots and nodules and phytohormone producing Enterobacter strains.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2006. Molecular characterization and PCR detection of a nitrogen-fixing Pseudomonas strain promoting rice growth.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2006Spider venom toxin protects plants from insect attack.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2007Identification of differentially expressed genes in developing cotton fibers (Gossypium hirsutum L) through Differential Display.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2007Diagnosis of nutritional constraints of Azolla spp. To enhance their growth under flooded conditions of salt affected soils.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2007Nodulation of Sesbania spp. by introduced rhizobia in competition with naturalized strains in different soil types.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2006Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria as Biofertilizer.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2005ntellectual Property Rights in Plant Biotechnology: A Contribution to Crop Biosecurity.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2005Characterization and screening of bacteria from rhizosphere of maize grown in Indonesian and Pakistani soils.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2004Isolation, characterization and beneficial effects of rice associated plant growth promoting bacteria from Zanzibar soils.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2003P-uptake and growth promotion of chickpea by co-inoculation of mineral phosphate solubilizing bacteria and a mixed rhizobial culture.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2003First report of cotton leaf curl disease affecting chili peppers.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2003Cotton leaf curl disease is associated with multiple monopartite begomoviruses supported by single DNA .Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2003Breakdown of resistance in cotton to cotton leaf curl disease in Pakistan.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 598