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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 598
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Mutagenisis of Cellulomonas biazotea for enhanced production of xylanases. Biores.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1997Cellulase production by Cellulomonas biazotea cultured in media containing different cellulosic substrates. Biores.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1997Enhanced production of cellulases by strains of Cellulomonas grown on cellulosic residues.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1996oil Organic MatterMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1996Utilization of agricultural wastes: Cloning of Endoglucanase genes from Cellulomonas Biazotea into E. Coli and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae using shuttle vector YEP24.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1996Anaerobic degradation of renewable biomass for methane production.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1996Isolation, Identification and Molecular Characterization of cotton leaf curl virus in PakistanMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1996Plant regeneration from embryogenic cell suspensions and protoplasts in Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Hybrid, CV. CoL 54).Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1996Activity and thermostability of carboxy methyl cellulase from Aspergillus niger is strongly influenced by non-covalently attached polysaccharides.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995Biotechnological solutions to hazardous effluents from textile industryMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995Utilization of azolla-anabaena symbiosis as nitrogen biofertilizer in rice-wheat cropping system.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995Isolation and characterization of indigenous Rhizobium leguminosarum Bv. Viceae, nodulating Lens culinaris Medic, from four Pakistani soilsMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995Biotechnology for sustainable development.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995The effect of cobalt application on the growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixing capacity of Sesbania rostrataMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995Development of in-vitro techniques for transformation of cotton (G. Hirsutum L.).Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995Molecular Characterization of a Geminivirus Associated with Cotton Leaf Curl Disease in Pakistan.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995Development of CLCV-resistant Cotton Varieties through Genetic Engineering.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995Studies on Bioleaching of Uranium from Low-Grade Sandstone Uranium OreMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995amma-ray induced mutagenesis of Cellulomonas biazotea NIAB 442 for hyper-production of ß-glucosidase :Kinetic analysis of enzyme productivitiesMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1995Construction of a cellulolytic yeast strain for ethanol production from cellulosic biomassMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 598