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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 165
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008-12-23Two types of lower-hybrid waves in dusty plasmas and cusp solitonsEhsan, Z.; Tsintsadze, N. L.; Murtaza, G.; Shah, H. A.
2008-11-07Stimulated Brillouin scattering of laser radiation in a piezoelectric semiconductor: Quantum effectUzma, Ch.; Zeba, I.; Shah, H. A.; Salimullah, M.
2009-10-06Nonlinear screening effect in an ultrarelativistic degenerate electron positron gasTsintsadze, N. L.; Rasheed, A.; Shah, H. A.; Murtaza, G.
2009-02-18Nonlinear Landau damping of transverse electromagnetic waves in dusty plasmasTsintsadze, N. L.; Chaudhary, Rozina; Shah, H. A.; Murtaza, G.
2009-05-15Modified Debye screening potential in a magnetized quantum plasmaSalimullah, M.; Hussain, A.; Sara, I.; Murtaza, G.; Shah, H. A.
2008-09-04Linear and nonlinear properties of an obliquely propagating dust magnetosonic waveM A S O O D, W.; Shah, H. A.; M U S H T A Q, A.; S A L I M U L L A H, M.
2008-12-22Jeans instability in a quantum dusty magnetoplasmaSalimullah, M.; Jamil, M.; Shah, H. A.; Murtaza, G.
2008-10-14Influence of non-monochromaticity on zonal-flow generation by magnetized Rossby waves in the ionospheric E-layerK A L A D Z E, T. D.; Shah, H. A.; M U R T A Z A, G.; T S A M A L A S H V I L I, L. V.; S H A D, M.; J A N D I E R I, G. V.
2008-12-23Dynamics of large-scale vortical structures in electron-positron-ion plasmasKaladze, T. D.; Shad, M.; Shah, H. A.
2009-01-30Drift wave instability in a nonuniform quantum dusty magnetoplasmaSalimullah, M.; Jamil, M.; Zeba, I.; Uzma, Ch.; Shah, H. A.
2009-03-06Drift ion acoustic shock waves in an inhomogeneous two-dimensional quantum magnetoplasmaMasood, W.; Karim, S.; Shah, H. A.; Siddiq, M.
2009-09-30Coupled nonlinear drift and ion acoustic waves in dense dissipative electron-positron ion magnetoplasmasMasood, W.; Karim, S.; Shah, H. A.; Siddiq, M.
2009-06-29A comprehensive evaluation of charged-particle data for production of the therapeutic radionuclideHussain, M.; Sudar, S.; Aslam, M.N.; Shah, H. A.; Ahmad, R.; Malik, A.A.; Qaim, S.M.
2007-08-21Wake potential in a self-gravitating dusty plasmaSalimullah, M.; Ehsan, Z.; Shah, H. A.; Murtaza, G.
2008-02-28Jeans instability in a magneto-radiative dusty plasmaT S I N T S A D Z E, N. L.; CHAUDHARY, ROZINA; Shah, H. A.; M U R T A Z A, G.
2007-11-17Dust-lower-hybrid waves in quantum plasmasSalimullah, M.; Zeba, I.; Uzma, Ch.; Shah, H. A.; Murtaza, G.
2008-06-15Acoustic-gravity waves in the Earth’s ionosphereKaladze, T.D.; Pokhotelov, O.A.; Shah, H. A.; Khan, M.I.; Stenflo, L.
2008-09-17A quantum hydrodynamic model for multicomponent quantum magnetoplasma with Jeans termMasood, W.; Salimullah, M.; Shah, H. A.
2007-10-26Wake potential in a nonuniform self-gravitating dusty magnetoplasma in the presence of ion streamingSalimullah, M.; Ehsan, Z.; Zubia, K.; Shah, H. A.; Murtaza, G.
2007-07-30Stability of a charged interface between a magnetoradiative dusty plasma and vacuumTsintsadze, N. L.; Chaudhary, Rozina; Shah, H. A.; Murtaza, G.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 165