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Title: Growth promoting effects of corn (Zea mays) bacterial isolates under greenhouse and field conditions
Authors: Mehnaz, Samina
Kowalik, Tom
Reynolds, Bruce
Lazarovits, George
Keywords: Corn
S. maltophilia
S. canadense
B. phytofirmans
P. putida
E. cloacae
A. zeae
Issue Date: 8-Jul-2010
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Citation: Samina Mehnaz, Tom Kowalik, Bruce Reynolds, George Lazarovits, Growth promoting effects of corn (Zea mays) bacterial isolates under greenhouse and field conditions, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Volume 42, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 1848-1856, ISSN 0038-0717,
Series/Report no.: Volume 42, Issue 10, October 2010,Pages 1848-1856;
Abstract: Fertilizer costs are a major component of corn production. The use of biofertilizers may be one way of reducing production costs. In this study we present isolation and identification of three plant growth promoting bacteria that were identified as Enterobacter cloacae (CR1), Pseudomonas putida (CR7) and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (CR3). All bacterial strains produced IAA in the presence of 100 mg l−1 of tryptophan and antifungal metabolites to several soilborne pathogens. S. maltophilia and E. cloacae had broad spectrum activity against most Fusarium species. The only strain that was positive for nitrogen fixation was E. cloacae and it, and P. putida, were also positive for phosphate solubilization. These bacteria and the corn isolate Sphingobacterium canadense CR11, and known plant growth promoting bacterium Burkholderia phytofirmans E24 were used to inoculate corn seed to examine growth promotion of two lines of corn, varieties 39D82 and 39M27 under greenhouse conditions. When grown in sterilized sand varieties 39M27 and 39D82 showed significant increases in total dry weights of root and shoot of 10–20% and 13–28% and 17–32% and 21–31% respectively. Plants of the two varieties grown in soil collected from a corn field had respective increases in dry weights of root and shoot of 10–30% and 12–35% and 11–19% and 10–18%. In sand, a bacterial mixture was highly effective whereas in soil individual bacteria namely P. putida CR7 and E. cloacae CR1 gave the best results with 39M27 and 39D82 respectively. These isolates and another corn isolate, Azospirillum zeae N7, were tested in a sandy soil with a 55 and 110 kg ha−1 of nitrogen fertility at the Delhi research Station of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada over two years. Although out of seven bacterial treatments, no treatment provided a statistically significant yield increase over control plots but S. canadense CR11 and A. zeae N7 provided statistically significant yield increase as compared to other bacteria. The 110 kg rate of nitrogen provided significant yield increase compared to the 55 kg rate in both years.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1033
ISSN: 0038-0717
Appears in Collections:School of Life Sciences

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