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Title: Denitrification and total N losses from an irrigated sandy-clay loam under maize–wheat cropping system
Authors: Mahmood, T.
Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
Shamsi, S.R.A.
Sajjad, M.I.
Keywords: denitirification
crop system
Issue Date: Feb-1998
Publisher: springer link
Citation: Mahmood, T., Malik, K., Shamsi, S. et al. Denitrification and total N losses from an irrigated sandy-clay loam under maize–wheat cropping system. Plant and Soil 199, 239–250 (1998).
Series/Report no.: Plant and Soil 199, 239–250 (1998).;
Abstract: Denitrification and total N losses were quantified from an irrigated field cropped to maize and wheat, each receiving urea at 100 kg N ha-1. During the maize growing season (60 days), the denitrification loss measured directly by acetylene inhibition-soil cover method amounted 2.72 kg N ha-1 whereas total N loss measured by 15N balance was 39 kg ha-1. Most (87%) of the denitrification loss under maize occurred during the first two irrigation cycles. During the wheat growing season (150 days), the denitrification loss directly measured by acetylene inhibition-soil cover and acetylene inhibition-soil core methods was 1.14 and 3.39 kg N ha-1, respectively in contrast to 33 kg N ha-1 loss measured by 15N balance. Most (70-88%) of the denitrification loss under wheat occurred during the first three irrigation cycles. Soil moisture and NO -3-N were the major factors limiting denitrification under both crops. Higher N losses measured by 15N balance than C2H2 inhibition method were perhaps due to underestimation of denitrification by C2H2 inhibition method and losses other than denitrification, most probably NH3 volatilization.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1355
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