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dc.contributor.authorZafar, Hajra-
dc.description.abstractPreface Punjab’s industrial policy, industrial enterprises and particularly industrial estates are in a dire need of reassessment, redesigning and rejuvenation. The case of Sunder Industrial Estate exemplifies the dilemmas and promise of industrialization in Punjab. In this preliminary and exploratory study Ms. Hajra Zafar, Research Associate at CPPG, has made a critical appraisal of infrastructure, identified challenges that entrepreneurs face, and the facilitation that the Punjab government could provide. The study highlights some of the successful models from the region, which can be instructive and helpful for improving the functioning of Sundar Industrial Estate. The CPPG is striving to conduct evidence based policy relevant research, which we hope will contribute towards improving the formulation and implementation of specific policies both at the provincial and national level. This Monograph is the second of our series this year. Ms. Zafar spent six months doing field work, conducting interviews and focused group discussions with relevant officers and stake holders and in writing this report. Besides two anonymous reviewers, I am indebted to my colleague Raheem ul Haque, Senior Research Fellow, for a thorough review of the Manuscript, insightful and critical appraisal and editing. We do hope that policy makers in Punjab, entrepreneurs associated and interested in Sundar Industrial Estate, researchers and other stake holders find the recommendations and findings of the study useful and relevant. The CPPG invites and welcomes any and all constructive criticism and feed back to improve the quality and content of its research. Saeed Shafqaten_US
dc.publisherCentre for Public Policy and Governanceen_US
dc.subjectPublic Policy and Governanceen_US
dc.titleIndustrial Policy in Punjab: A Case Study of Sundar Industrial Estateen_US
Appears in Collections:Monograph

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