Centre for Public Policy and Governance (CPPG) Community home page


The Centre for Public Policy and Governance was established in 2007, the year 2017 marking a decade since its inception. In the ten years of its existence, the CPPG has significant accomplishments in research, teaching, training and advocacy in the areas of governance, civil service reform, demography, urban policy, citizens engagement, youth, electoral democracy, energy, and conflict resolution and peace building, to mention a few.

Besides, teaching, training and skills development in the broad domain of Public Policy and Governance, one of the key functions of the CPPG is to produce knowledge. In that spirit CPPG promotes original, interpretive and evidence based research on academic and policy issues. It is one of the few centres in the country that is also a publisher.With the launch of PhD program in the coming year,the ThinkTank function of CPPG will grow and expand.


Collections in this community

Dialogue Report

Conveys the consensus, ideas and positions taken by participant stakeholders of a Policy Dialogue

Discussion Paper

Articulates various perspectives on a select subject for further discussion


A detailed research study focused on a specific topic

Policy Brief

A concise summary of a particular issue inclusive of policy options and recommendations

Position Paper

A concise summary of an issue supplemented by a specific policy position and related recommendations


An academic magazine comprising original research, and summary of talks & activities at the CPPG

Research Article

A piece of original research which follows the conventions of academic writing