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Title: Influence of resistant starch, xanthan gum, inulin and defatted rice bran on the physicochemical, functional and sensory properties of low glycemic gluten-free noodles
Authors: Raungrusmee, Sujitta
Shrestha, Smriti
Sadiq, Muhammad Bilal
Anala, Anil Kumar
Keywords: Resistant starch
Glycemic index
Gluten-free noodles
Rice bran
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.
Series/Report no.: LWT - Food Science and Technology;Volume 126
Abstract: The study aims to evaluate the effects of xanthan gum (XG), inulin and defatted rice bran on the physicochemical, functional and sensory properties of the gluten-free noodle prepared from Pathumthani 80 rice (RD 31) native autoclaved resistant starch (NARS). The increase in concentration of XG (0.625–5%) in the formulation of gluten free noodles resulted a significant decrease (p ˂ 0.05) in resistant starch content whereas, the tensile strength was increased. RD 31-NARS gluten-free noodles with 2.5% XG received the high sensory scores and further selected for the addition of inulin and defatted rice bran (5%, w/w), separately. RD 31-NARS gluten free noodle with XG (2.5%) and defatted rice bran exhibited the highest protein (4.62%), fiber (0.35%) and ash content (1.45%). Further, addition of inulin and defatted rice bran significantly (p ˂ 0.05) decreased the glycemic index and increased the cooking time and firmness. The surface morphology of gluten free noodles showed relatively porous structure under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) after the addition of rice bran (5%) and inulin (5%). Thus, resistant starch along with gums and fibers can be used to develop gluten free functional foods with better acceptability.
ISSN: 0170-0839
Appears in Collections:School of Life Sciences

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