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dc.contributor.authorShafqat, Dr. Saeed-
dc.contributor.authorHaque, Raheem ul-
dc.contributor.authorNadeem, Hurmat-
dc.contributor.authorAsif, Shahwar-
dc.descriptionThe first issue of the Quarterly Research & News was launched in April 2008, thus it has just completed fifteen years. With the blessings and support of Dr. Peter Armacost, Rector (2004-2012) Quarterly was designed with considerable thinking and planning to be the repository of institutional memory, reporting the activities of CPPG and encouraging the research publications of faculty, students and outside scholars. It was conceived to be heavy on the reporting of diverse views of the speakers, thus breaking disciplinary boundaries and encouraging deliberation on issues and policies from a multidisciplinary perspective. At the time of its inception our expectation was that we would publish four issues a year. But, by the end of the year, we realized that it was an expectation based on naivety and beyond our existing faculty capacity. So, we amended and tried publishing Quarterly bi-annually and were considerably successful. However, until 2016, it remained a duo team—me and Raheem ul Haque. Through dedication and determination, Quarterly’s reporting, synergizing quality and content improved. We were also successful in soliciting articles, getting them peer reviewed and adding book reviews while sustaining its publication. In 2016, the Quarterly got a real boost as Ms. Saba Shahid joined the team, and thus by 2021 the quality, content and regularity of Quarterly’s publication became routinized. Unfortunately, in late 2019 the menace of COVID 19, its spread and continuing lingering effects disrupted the publication momentum. In 2021, we decided to handover publication of the Quarterly to students on experimental basis but that did not prove fortuitous. Therefore, we have decided to rejuvenate and restore the original design and spirit of the Quarterly—to sustain it as a repository of institutional memory and a platform for students’ and faculty’s innovative, trend setting ideas/reflections and research. The faculty and the editorial team have resolved to make it a bi-annual publication from 2024, to be published in July and January. Meanwhile, after almost fifteen months of discussion and deliberation among the faculty, we are ready with a new issue of the Quarterly, which reflects the CPPG activities and provides a sample of student’s research over the past few years. As always, we welcome critical appreciation, comments and feedback. Dr. Saeed Shafqaten_US
dc.publisherCentre for Public Policy and Governance, Forman Christian College, a Chartered University, Lahoreen_US
dc.titleVolume 54 Number 1en_US
Appears in Collections:Quarterly

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