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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 598
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1990Production of thermostable cellulase by Sporotrichum thermophile.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1990Quantification and enhancement of biodegradation of petroleum pollutants under controlled laboratory conditionsMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1990Soil Biotechnology and Crop Productivity.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1990Production of cellulases and hemicellulases by an anaerobic mixed culture from lignocellulosic biomassMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1990Nitrogenase activity and nitrogen fixing bacteria associated with the roots of Atriplex growing in saline sodic soils of Pakistan.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1989Production of ethanol from Leptochola fusca L. Kunth (kallar grass) and panicum maximum using cellulases from trichoderma spp and cultures of saccharomyces carlsbergensis.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1989Characterization of cellulases from cellulomonas biazota NIAB 442 using zymographic techniqueMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1989Isolation, Screening and characterization of biosurfactant producing bacteria.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1989Comparison of some indigenous bacterial strains of pseudomonas spp. for production of biosurfactants.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1989Response of field grown chick-pea (Cicer arietinum) to phosphorous fertilization for yield and nitrogen fixation.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1989Determination of microbial biomass in some agricultural soils of Pakistan.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1989Degradation of different hydrocarbons and production of biosurfactant Psuedomonas aeruginosa isolated from coastal waters.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1988ffect of azolla on rice yield, fertilizer-15N recovery, soil N budget and floodwater properties in an azolla-rice intercropping systemsMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1988ontribution of microbial and fungal material to soil humus.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1988Leaching of chalcopyrite by Thiobacillus thiooxidans and oxidized copper ore by T. ferrooxidans isolated from local environmentsMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1988Effect of steam and alkali pretreatment on the enzymatic hydrolysis of plants grown in saline soilsMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1988Survival and colonization of inoculated bacteria in Kallar grass rhizosphere and quantification of N2 fixation.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1988Microbiology of rhizosphere and plant productivity. Invited lecture at the First National Congress of Soil Science.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1988Isolation of furnace oil utilizing bacteria capable of producing biosurfactants.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
1987MIRCEN Journal, 3, 421-428 (1987)Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 598