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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 541 to 560 of 598
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Azospirillum- A biofertilizer for every crop. In: Plant microbe symbiosis – Applied Facets (Ed.) N. Arora, Springer, India.Mehnaz, Samina
2017Gluconoacetobacter azotocaptans: A plant growth promoting bacteria. In: Rhizotrophs: Plant growth promotion to bioremediation (Ed.) S. MehnazMehnaz, Samina; Lazarovits, G.
2017Harnessing the plant microbiome for improved abiotic stress tolerance. In: Microbiome: Stress response and microbes for sustainable agriculture, (Eds.) P. Ahmad P, D. EgamberdievaMehnaz, Samina; Hussain, S.; Siddique, K.
2015Molecular analysis of human interferon alpha2b gene in blood cancer patientsBaig, Deeba Noreen; Mahmood, N.
2016Digital dissection of arsenate reductase enzyme from an arsenic hyperaccumulating fern PterisBaig, Deeba Noreen; Qazi, S. R.; Yasmin, A.; Basharat, Z.
2016Distortion of the normal function of synaptic cell adhesion molecules by genetic variants as a risk for autism spectrum disordersBaig, Deeba Noreen; Yanagawa, T.; Tabuchi, K.
2015Repellent activity of cardamom, ginger and nutmeg against certain insect pestsButt, S.; Abid, R.
2014Feeding preferences of Odontotermes obesi (Isoptera: Termitidae ) on different commercial and non commercial woodsRasib, Dr. Khalid Z.
2014Feeding preferences of Coptotermes heimi (Isoptera: Termitidae) under laboratory and field conditions for different commercial and non-commercial woodsRasib, Dr. Khalid Z.
2016Combinatorial Potential of bait matrix against subterranean termites under lab and field conditionsRasib, Dr. Khalid Z.; Ashraf, H.
2014Environmental factors affect calcium oxalate crystals formation in Tradescantia pallida (Commelinaceae)Khan, Dr. Aisha Saleem; Rehan, S.
2014Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated optimization of transformation in eucalyptus camaldulensis.Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.; Ahad, A.; Maqbool, Dr. Asma
2014Screening commercial wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties for Agrobacterium mediated transformation abilityAbid, N.; Maqbool, Dr. Asma; Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.
2014Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated optimization of transformation in Populus deltoidsMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.; Maqbool, Dr. Asma; John, E.
2015Comparison of phytase activity in roots of wheat varieties grown under different phosphorus conditions.Mohsin, S.; Malik, Dr. Kauser .A.; Maqbool, Dr. Asma
2015Isolation and Screening of Phytase Gene by using Basta Selection Medium in transgenic Wheat PlantsFarooqi, S.; Maqbool, Dr. Asma; Mubeen, H.; Raza, S.
2015Analysis and amplification of Phytase gene in transgenic wheat by polymerase Chain ReactionFarooqi, S.; Maqbool, Dr. Asma; Mubeen, H.; Raza, S.
2015Effect of different parameters on wheat transformation efficiencyMalik, Dr. Kauser .A.; Maqbool, Dr. Asma; Abid, N.; Khan, N.
2016Histochemical GUS expression of cotton SPS promoter in transgenic tobaccoBashir, Dr. Aftab; Masood, A.; Iqbal, N.; Asif, M.
2015Stable transformation and expression of GhEXPA8 fiber expansin gene to improve fiber length and micronaire value in cotton. Frontiers in Plant ScienceBajwa, K. S.; Shahid, A. A.; Rao, Abul Q.; Bashir, Dr. Aftab; Aftab, A.; Husnain, T.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 541 to 560 of 598